The HUCK FINN--Adventures of a canal boat on North America's waterways

Photos, captain's notes, and crew's tales from the 26' canal boat HUCK FINN. Itinerary: roundtrip St. Pete. FL/St. Paul MN.

Friday, September 08, 2006

This bit of local graffitti was on the river side of the seawall in Cape Girardeau, MO. , not far from the fuel dock where we were tied for the night. It sounded like good enough advice to pass along. Whomever the artist, his or hers message is now available on the world wide web. I must say, there's not much "noisy confusion of life"out here on the river. To the contrary, as Huckleberry Finn observed, everything seems to make sense on the river. We made it to Kidde's fuel dock after one anchorage behind a wing dam (outcroppings of stone piled from the bank to divert and speed up the water into the main river channel) and a long slow haul the next day.

This is my friend Dannel from Champaign, IL, whose wife drove him to Paducah to join the trip. We are at the Kidde's fuel dock in Cape Girardeau, having just refilled 4 empty diesel fuel jugs. After our dinner and a sampling of the microbrews, we turned in to prepare for another long, slow uphill run