The HUCK FINN--Adventures of a canal boat on North America's waterways

Photos, captain's notes, and crew's tales from the 26' canal boat HUCK FINN. Itinerary: roundtrip St. Pete. FL/St. Paul MN.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

two unlikely images: this full size authentic windmill is in Fulton IL across the river from Clinton, IA. They have a Dutch Days celebration there every Fall. I haven't noticed any other windmills so far this trip. Or unicorns.

I stayed at he marina in Clinton, situated next to a 3-story casino boat. For staying at the marina, you get a certificate for a free buffet dinner at he casino. I guess they think if they can just get people in there, they'll spend some bucks and their ''free" dinner will get paid for.

I was feeling pretty smug about the free dinner, which was quite tasty and enjoyable. So I thought I'd just test my luck a bit on the way out, before heading back to the boat. Final tally: Captain Brion's free dinner cost $40. Just the way they planned it!

For the past hundred or more miles I've seen scores of huge flocks of these white pelicans. In fact, they're here on the river in Dubuque as I write. They summer mostly in British Columbia, but migrate down the river to the Texas Gulf Coast for the winter, They are quite beautiful in flight, with black wingtips and huge orange bills. They don't dive into the water like Florida pelicans. They just swim around and stab at their prey from the water. Some of the flocks I saw on shore or on sandbars contained at least one thousand birds. This one I snapped in the morning mist near Keokuk IA.