Travelling solo again, I made it to the tiny bluff town of Fountain City, WI, just aftewr dark. I had to use my spotlight to navigate safely out of the channel and ease up to the city dock for an overnight tie. My spirits had been deflated by the sudden departure of all my company in LaCrosse, so it was uplifting to be greeted by a bright sunny morning. This little town looked inviting for a walk so I strolled up a steep bluff town road and wandered into the Catholic cemetary high above the river.
I thought it a majestic, though serene view loking over the headstones, with the town below and the Mississippi in the background. The bright morning sunrise cast long shadows behind the stones, foretelling a clear and sunny day ahead.
This wall mural intrigued me to the point of studying it for several minutes, looking for meaning in the odd images. There were lots of pre-civil war era buildings in town, some restored and converted to small touristy businesses--a New Age crystals, candles and sandals shop, an organic bakery, and the River City Kayak "factory", consisting of a single artisan making custom beautiful kayaks for clients from all over the U.S. There were also three small but elegant churches in town, each well over 100 years old.
I couldn't argue with the claim of this litle sign down by the river not far from where the HUCK was tied. Heading back south, Fountain City is on my list of places to return to for a second look
I thought it a majestic, though serene view loking over the headstones, with the town below and the Mississippi in the background. The bright morning sunrise cast long shadows behind the stones, foretelling a clear and sunny day ahead.
This wall mural intrigued me to the point of studying it for several minutes, looking for meaning in the odd images. There were lots of pre-civil war era buildings in town, some restored and converted to small touristy businesses--a New Age crystals, candles and sandals shop, an organic bakery, and the River City Kayak "factory", consisting of a single artisan making custom beautiful kayaks for clients from all over the U.S. There were also three small but elegant churches in town, each well over 100 years old.
I couldn't argue with the claim of this litle sign down by the river not far from where the HUCK was tied. Heading back south, Fountain City is on my list of places to return to for a second look
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